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Conclusion about survival defense

 So, are you and your family prepared? The prepper movement shows no signs of ever slowing down. If anything, there are more people joining the ranks every day.  People who are following current events are becoming more and more fearful about their future. They see many possible scenarios that could leave them in a desperate situation and they see the need to be prepared. They want security against both man-made and natural disasters. Only those with strong determination, ingenuity, and solid planning will be able to handle the types of chaotic scenarios that threaten us today.  It's the same with everything in life - preparation and planning are key. You need to be mentally prepared as well as physically and munitionally prepared. Always have a plan and a back-up plan to go with it. Protect yourself, your family, and your home from ruthless mobs and unexpected intruders. When disaster strikes laws, morals, and ethics disappear. People change in ways they never believed th

Survival Firearms

Most people believe that having any type of gun on hand in a survival situation is better than no gun at all. That's not exactly true. Many preppers like making their dynamic weapons choices based on what they 'may or may not' run into.  Others prefer just to use whatever weapons they've been using to target shooting or hunting. This is not meant to discount the merits of selecting a weapon based on what it will be used for, however, when you're talking about the protection of yourself and your family against an angry mob, most weapons made for general hunting won't have the protection level you need.  Let's look at a few weapon types to see how they stack up against an angry mob: ( a). Handguns - These are used for fending off intruders and for home and self protection. Handguns are used by people to defend a home invasion or individual attack on their person. Handguns are best at short range. They are not, however, very effective at defending

The ‘Fight or Flight’ Instinct

The goal of home prepping and learning bug-out survival techniques is to maintain a constant mental state of readiness. It gives you the ability to make use of every last resource at your disposal, mainly because you are now aware of it. You are not just reacting to the situation as someone caught unaware. In your mind you know your options and have strategies to employ. You are prepared to leave the normality of how your life has been because you planned ahead.  You are equipped with survival knowledge that will serve you well during this crisis situation. You know how to protect your home and family to the best of your ability. There are some attackers who will be very persistent. So you need as many defense options as possible.  While knowing about all your conventional weapons is a great advantage, there may be times when you will be forced into defending yourself without them. Hand to hand combat is something you want to always use only as a last resort. Learning basic se

Think Outside the Box

Again, when most people are thinking about self-defense the first things that come to mind are guns, ammo, pepper spray, and knives. In chapter 8 we'll discuss more on these types of weapons but first we'll go over some of the less conventional types of weapons you can use to defend yourself and your home. Be practical and creative in your thinking.  Practice thinking on the run. Go over different attack scenarios in your mind and then look around you and figure out the best way to react with what's right there in front of you. Opportunities and objects will suddenly jump out at you. These are excellent mind drills that can really pay off big time if a crisis should arise.  A Weapon in Each Room is Good Planning  There are a lot of objects laying around people's homes that can be potential weapons to use for self-defense. If you sit down and take a hard look around you can spot these objects and mentally mark them so you'll remember them in a pinch. Wal

Home Fortification

 There are a lot of better ways to fortify your home that are also more affordable than a prefabricated bunker. If you own property then the best way to begin is from the outside in. The goal is to establish a solid perimeter made up of alarm systems, obstacles and diversions to keep intruders from every reaching your home. If you live in an urban setting with densely populated buildings and the neighborhoods have less territory to defend, it leaves you with all the more reason to create yourself a system of formidable external defenses.  This is especially true when you are in close proximity to dozens of people who are also trying to survive. The more people you have in your direct vicinity the more vulnerable you are to being attacked. The larger the property and the fewer the neighbors the more advantages you have in defending your home. Large open properties give you more visibility and more area for establishing defensive barriers. You can see the wisdom in spending your mon

Should You Stay Put or Bug Out?

Should You Stay Put or Bug Out?  There are 2 basic philosophies that most people adhere to when preparing to face a disaster situation. One is staying put and sheltering in one place and the other is getting the heck out of Dodge (bugging out). You have to decide which one is best for you and then acquire the resources necessary to carry it out. Your plan could actually be created around a little of both of these scenarios.  That way you can play it by ear as the situation unfolds. There are a few questions you'll need to answer to make a proper determination. Are you living in the city, the suburbs, or a county?  Do you see your neighbors as potential allies or threats? Would you be capable of forming a defensive perimeter around your property and have the weapons to defend and protect it? Would you be able to safely remain there for as long as you need to? Are there any special circumstances within your family that would prohibit you from bugging out?  These are

Survival Networking

How do you see yourself? Are you a lone wolf? Do you trust in yourself above all others when it comes to your survival? A lot of 'preppers' are very determined people who will stick to their guns when it involves the survival of themselves and their families. Some individuals find more comfort in having a support group they can rely on during an emergency situation. Networking can be a viable option in terms of survival. It means you don't have to manage everything all by yourself.  When perilous times hit, people will be pushed to the limit, going above and beyond the normal scope of their psychological and physical capabilities. When you belong to a network of like-minded people it gives you a community that works together to help save lives. This kind of support can be life saving. However, you shouldn't wait until a disaster strikes before you start getting ready. Being caught off guard can truly be devastating. Survival Networking  How do you see yours