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The ‘Fight or Flight’ Instinct

The goal of home prepping and learning bug-out survival techniques is to maintain a constant mental state of readiness. It gives you the ability to make use of every last resource at your disposal, mainly because you are now aware of it. You are not just reacting to the situation as someone caught unaware. In your mind you know your options and have strategies to employ. You are prepared to leave the normality of how your life has been because you planned ahead. 

You are equipped with survival knowledge that will serve you well during this crisis situation. You know how to protect your home and family to the best of your ability. There are some attackers who will be very persistent. So you need as many defense options as possible. 

While knowing about all your conventional weapons is a great advantage, there may be times when you will be forced into defending yourself without them. Hand to hand combat is something you want to always use only as a last resort. Learning basic self-defense fighting skills is something the whole family should pursue. Coming face-to-face with someone out to hurt you requires good self-defense skills to overcome. 


Simply put there really aren't any hard and fast rules for fighting for survival. Regardless of the type of disaster you're dealing with if society breaks down with no community support in force, it's pretty much every man for himself. Survival of the fittest is the law that rules the day. If you want to be a survivor you have to use every single defensive possibility at your disposal. Use every dirty trick you can find for stopping attackers. Here are some guidelines to help you either avoid a fight or win one - 

(1). Be Prepared For Dangerous Situations - As long as you are in your home and have the proper perimeter defenses set up you should be safe. If you plan on bugging out or need to venture out to get supplies, steer clear of locations and situations that have the potential to be dangerous. Your best self-defense is not needing any at all. 

(2). Watch and Be Aware at All Times - Keep your eyes open. Sharpen your senses and develop an eye for details and warning signs of danger. Learn to watch the people around you without them even knowing you're watching. Learn to understand body language so you'll be better able to determine another person's dangerous intents at a glance. 

(3). Always Emit Confidence - Attackers can be like sharks, sensing when a person is weak. It's like blood in the water to a shark and an easy mark to an attacker. Confidence comes with practicing and knowing your survival skills. Until you develop them you'll just have to 'fake it' until you do. 

(4). Strike First - Anytime you are forced into a fight and are certain it's going to happen, be sure you get in the first blow. Make it the best blow you got. Your goal is to take your opponent down and take all the fight out of them both psychologically and physically. 

(5). Run if Necessary - In a time of survival, running DOES NOT mean you are a coward or a 'wuss', just smart. If running will enable you to live to fight another day then it's a good option, especially when you're outgunned. Get to a safe location quickly. 


 Learn all about the pressure points. They are spread out throughout a person's body. Making the appropriate strikes will trigger incapacitating pain in your opponent. The throat, ears, nose, and eyes are excellent points of attack. Never be afraid to gouge an attacker in the eyes or punch them in the throat. Clapping the ears with both hands open is a very good way to bust eardrums and upset their equilibrium. 

The effects of hitting a man in the groin is something most of us know from childhood. A solid kick to the kidney area will knock the breath out of an attacker and a swift kick to the knee can send even a large man quickly to the ground.

When you want to strike your opponent it's usually by throwing a punch or kicking at them. While these do give you the best reach capability, you have much better damage-inflicting parts of your body to use. For instance, you elbows are the strongest part of your body. 

They require a little extra dexterity and skills to be used effectively. If you're able to get close enough your elbow is much more likely to break a nose or inflict severe pain on your opponent when compared to the hand or foot. Elbows are less effective when used by women and children against large male attackers. However, when used in conjunction with other types of striking they can still cause real damage. Striking with your head and knees are alternatives to kicking and punching. 

While they're also on the list of pressure points and sensitive to pain, they can also inflict more damage than other parts of your body. A good solid head-butt on an opponent's nose is an excellent deterrent. A solid knee in the stomach or groin is painful enough to buy time for you to get away if that's the move you want to make. 

Try to always be in control of the situation. You want to be the one who acts first and acts last. If an attacker rushes you then your options and time will be limited for deciding where and how you'll strike. Good instincts come from practicing your fighting skills. Practice develops your instincts for sizing up opponents, quickly determining what they're about to throw out, and positioning yourself to beat them to the punch. Visit a gym or fix a place in your basement to workout and practice your moves. Find someone to work out with. 

There are Boy's Clubs and Girl's Clubs that have workouts 5 days a week and the cost is minimal to join. Just a couple of days a week of practicing self-defense can make a huge difference. Remember, in a survival situation 'anything goes'. Any rules are tossed out the window. Kick, bite, scratch, claw, and anything else you can do. Just make sure you come out on top. Taking self-defense classes can help give you the basics and some general knowledge. 

From there you hone your skills and just get better at it. Practice is key to developing good fighting instincts.


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