It's going on all around us. There are hardworking citizens spending their hard-earned dollars to make fallout shelters out of their homes. These people are committed to learning survival skills as well as self-defense strategies and tactics. It has been estimated that we have over 3 million U.S. citizens who see themselves as 'preppers' and who are spending time, money, and physical labor on acquiring resources to be prepared for the worst.
All survivalists have their own unique ideas of how the impending apocalypse will reveal itself. What they all have in common is the belief that this event is just around the corner. Anyone who watches the news today cannot help but see some of what they see with all the hype and deep paranoia displayed on our TV sets.
Anyone can see how the weather itself seems to be blowing in doom and destruction. Tornadoes, earthquakes, and hurricanes are much more commonplace today than ever before in history. Then you have viruses and diseases that are plaguing our nation like never before. It feels like an all-out assault on mankind, just as has been predicted in many ancient texts. How will the masses be able to stand up and fight against pathetic political leaders and tough economic times? Are we headed down the road to anarchy?
Before reading any further there is a video you can watch to help you craft disaster plans of your own. It will serve you well for protecting yourself and your loved one in a time of crisis.
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