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Preparing for Disaster

 Regardless of what caused the crisis, survival concepts remain the same. It's true that we haven't been forced to live from day to day as if imminent danger was near. However, the widespread civil unrest that's going on is a very plausible threat to society as long as they continue to push people past their breaking point. If a crisis should occur, you should be immediately prepared and able to provide the 4 basic provisions which are 
- 1. Food 
2. Water 
3. Medical Supplies 
4. General 

Shelter and the necessary security needs for yourself and your family as well. When the usual suppliers run out of what you need a backup plan will keep you from going without. Food and water. Everybody needs these in order to survive. They should be at the top of your priority list. Without them any other provisions are pretty much futile.


Should the disaster you face occur during a hard winter blizzard, tornado, or hurricane, shelter can be a real concern. You could be forced to stay mobile in order to survive and that requires familiarizing yourself with shelter-building techniques. 


 Injuries can happen at any time from small ones to the life threatening ones. They are even more likely to take place during a survival situation. People who require prescription medications need to have a good supply of backup meds in well planned out 'ready-to-go' locations. 


You need to plan out protection for yourself, family, and friends. Good planning is key to the success of your survival plan. Civil unrest can bring out unruly mobs who are deadly serious about taking what you have. You MUST be ready to protect your stuff and prepared to do so effectively. A large portion of this book focuses on this subject, which is often missing from a lot of the government-issued preparedness guides. The ability to defend yourself as well as your home and supplies using multiple non-conventional and conventional methods is something you must prepare for.


Whenever you're faced with a disaster-grade emergency, natural or otherwise, you have to understand that you'll be doing without a lot of your normal comforts. We do take a lot for granted these days. The military and the police might not be capable of responding as quickly as you'd like and for various reasons. One reason is that they'll need to see to the safety of their own families which will be priority #1 Just be prepared to take care of yourself between the time it hits and the time help arrives. Here are some basic things you'll have to consider doing without unless you are really well prepared - (1). Water 
(2). Electricity (
3). Medical Facilities 
(4). Transportation 
(5). Natural Gas/ Fuel
 (6). Communication (phones, etc.) 
(7). First Response Units 
(8). Groceries Hardware
 (9). Public Safety

and more. Whenever your access to these things is cut off you will have to be ready to take matters into your own hands. A lot of people lose their moral compasses whenever disaster strikes, which means your
 survival could be a dangerous undertaking. When it's YOU against THEM you have to be strong, courageous, and very thrifty. 


Survivalists operate under the assumption that the military and police are not going to provide them with protection. Should civil disorder break out, law abiding citizens suddenly become a minority. You have to take on the responsibility of protecting yourself - at all costs and by whatever means necessary. You should throw as much planning and support helps into your survival plan as you can possibly muster up. Ensuring your survival means everyone in the family learns self-defense techniques. You planning should not only be focused on your physical needs but your property and financial needs as well. The size of your family comes into play when you're creating your survival plan. Larger properties may take more people with weapons to defend. On the positive side, a larger family will give you more trained help to get things done.


This has been a controversial issue for some time now. How old should a child be before they can learn to handle a weapon? Most people believe that once a child can differentiate between friend and foe and are able to hold a weapon that fits their body proportionately, they should be trained in self-defense. There have been many boys who were as young as 14 to 15 years old who volunteered to defend the United States. This has gone on from he Revolutionary War clear up to Korea. This is definitely NOT a new concept. Youths must defend themselves the same as grown-ups. Naturally, the decision of exactly how old a child must be before self-defense training will differ from one family to the next. It's a personal decision made by the family members involved.


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