Well, when speaking statistically it would be very unlikely that the U.S., Great Britain, and many other Western nations will be plummeting into societal collapse. However, you should never discount the fact that our society has undergone some precautionary testing to reveal warning signs. When hurricane Katrina wreaked havoc on the Gulf Coast, it proved that man-made infrastructure could not withstand the powerful forces of nature. It also revealed the lengths, depths, and heights that American families and individuals would go to ensure survival during an emergency wherein the government reacts far too slowly.
This slow reaction from the government seems to be a common thread among survivalists and is part of their mindset. Regardless of the type of disaster or when it happens, as human beings we inherently feel like we need to fend for ourselves, because we care more about our own circumstances than any special agencies. There have been far too many incidents in which local, state, and even federal governments have reacted much too slowly to effectively ensure survival for the masses and to restore order to those situations. We are always concerned that government interference is going to affect our livelihoods.
Our basic liberties are at risk. You see it in the surveillance methods the government uses as well as their desire to take our guns. Still, we know from experience that when people have their backs against the wall, there will be robbing, stealing, and killing in the name of survival.
We are witnessing an ever-increasing presence of literal zombies on TV, in movies, and in books and on video games. This is an indication that people's fears are being shifted from the government with all it's cover-ups, over to something they can more closely relate to - their peers. Visualize what a prison riot looks like. You have angry mobs unwilling to listen to reason.
Deadly force is the only deterrent. This is how zombies are being portrayed today. That means when you hear someone giving you an 'off the cuff' response claiming that it's the 'Zombie Apocolypse' that threw them into a prepping mindset, you know they're being driven by fiction. They are letting fiction form their fears of impending social disorder sparked by humanity itself and manifested on a massive scale. This cultural obsession with the zombie mentality has even infiltrated the self-defense and firearms industries. You can actually locate ammunition, edged-weapons, crossbows, and shotguns, that are all being marketed as perfect for surviving the apocalypse and fighting off zombies.
Their target audience is based on a fictional concept. It's hard to say whether the manufacturers of such products and the consumers who buy them truly intend to use these products for enjoyment or really believe they'll be killing zombies. Regardless of how you feel about this zombie craze, it is very widespread and people are fascinated by it and obsessed with it. Our entire society is incrementally being de-sensitized to death and predisposed to destruction.
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